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Уважаемые школы!!! мы набираем группы для бесплатного обучения по теме "Возможности вашего сайта". Заявки принимаются через службу технической поддержки (тикет)


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    Урок по английскому языку

    Theme: Teachers. Schools. Second and the Third Conditionals.

    Aim: development of speaking, listening,

                     writing and reading skills in the theme.

    Purposes: 1. to consolidate vocabulary in the theme “Learning”,

                     to enable students to compare different schools,

                         to practice pupils to speak and read about schools.

        2. to educate the feeling of love to the school

    where they study, to their teachers,

                                     3. to develop skills of working in groups,

                               making conclusion and to put knowledge into practice

    Form of the lesson: traditional

    Type of the lesson: consolidation lesson

    Methods: Listening, describing, speaking, working on the interactive board, work    

                     in groups

    Equipment: active board, workbooks, pictures, proverbs, tape –recorder.

    Book : Opportunities Intermediate, “Longman”


    I.                   Organization moment. The dialogue with the student on duty

    II.                Warm-up. We began speaking about learning, studying, teaching last lesson and to warm our speaking up let’s discuss following proverbs. What are their ideas? (Live and learn, Science is a sea – knowledge is a boat on it…)

    III.             Checking the home task. Our last proverb was about a boat in the sea, so it means that we are in the school trip when we are studying. And who is the captain on this boat? Of course, we, teachers. At home you should prepare the stories about your teachers, who wants to begin?

    IV.           Grammar. I hope you remember grammar rules about Conditional Sentences. Look at the blackboard and pay attention on their forms and when they are used. Let’s connect your stories with these rules. How did your teachers influence on your life?   (pupils should complete the sentences) As for me, I would have never become a teacher and might have been much happier if I hadn’t met my first teacher (a joke)

    Well done!

    V.              Working with the white board. Let’s match the beginning of the lesson    

              with its ending, according to its content(one by one) . Another     

              exercise is  

              choosing the right form of the verb (Grammar 1, 2)

    VI.           New vocabulary. Let’s continue our work on theme. Write down new words  and guess their meaning, without translation. Assessment-

    Private school-

                  State school-

                  Boarding school-

    VII.        Listening Workshop. Listen to 5 people who remember the    

             school they graduated from and discuss them (Pair work). Write   

             everything you understood and match the school with   


    VIII.     Conclusion. So, what kind of school do you study? What kind   

             of school would you like to study? 

    IX.            Assessment.

    X.               Homework .  To prepare a dialogue “Advantages and disadvantages of studying in the private school”, Ex.3-5 p.68-69




    English teacher Orazalina Dana  Amangeldinovna

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