Аccording to the results of the implementation of measures for the NOBD in SHG No. 32 of Nur-Sultan On the basis of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 13, 2009 No. 338. and Order No. 151 dated 1.09.2020 of KSU " Gymnasium School No. 32»
NOBD is a subsystem of SEA (e-learning System) designed to automate business processes for the collection and processing of primary statistical data in the field of education. The NOBD automated data collection for administrative reports that were filled in manually and collected along the chain: "organization of education - Department of Education-Department of Education – MES RK". since april 3, the ministry of education and science of the republic of kazakhstan has launched a new version of the information system "national educational database" (hereinafter referred to as nobd 2) https://nobd.iac.kz/, which works online 24/7