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    Внеклассное мероприятие

     «Christmas! Weinacht! Рождество!»

    приготовили и провели

     учителя английского  языка Оразалина Д. А. и Сильванович О.Ю.

     Зал оформлен наряженной елкой, гирляндами, игрушками. В углу стоят импровизированные ясли, где родился Христос.

     Teacher. Dear children and grown-reps! Today we are glad to see you in our party because today is the greatest holiday for people who learn English, German, French languages. I hope you will enjoy our party. Merry Christmas!

    New Year. I am a little New Year, ho, ho! Here I come jumping over the snow shaking my bells with a merry din – so open your doors and let me in!

    Ice Princess. Presents we bring for each and all big folks, little folks, short and tall. Each one of you a treasure may win – so open your doors and let us in!

    Teacher. And now we want to show you a little winter performance which is called “The Snow Queen”

    (Сказка «Снежная королева» - 10-15 мин)

    Teacher. We think you have enjoyed this tale and our New Year and Ice Princess want to make our party go on.

    New Year. Some shall have silver

                      And some shall have gold

                      Some shall have new clothes

                      And some shall have old

                      Some shall have brass

                      And some shall have tin –

                      So open your doors and let us in!

    Ice Princess Some shall have wates

                      And some shall have milk;

                      Some shall have satin

                      And some shall have silk

                      But each of you a present may win

                      So open your doors and let us in!

    New Year. Do you like to guess riddles?

    Ice Princess. We have some for you. Please, listen carefully.

     One face, two hands

    It goes yet stands.


    It gives us milk

    And butter too

    It’s very kind

    And likes to moo


    Pupils and teachers write on me with chalk

    I can’t write, I can’t talk


    It’s blue by night

    By day it’s white

    It is cold and dry

    It falls from the sky


    Fat and gay, on a winter day

    He came here with us to stay

    But day by day he grew sad and thin,

    And so we brought his younger brother in



    Назгуль When windows are frosty

                   And icy in places

                   I like to write letters

                   And draw funny faces,

                   Or flowers or houses

                   Or maybe a cat –

                   I really wish windows

                   Were always like that.

    Динара And now let’s make a competition. Will 4 pupils who like to draw and to write come to me? The painter should draw the things, which I call and the “Writer” should write the names of these animals or things (поясняет по-русски)

    Назгуль Where is Father Frost? Let’s  send him an invitation. So send him telegrams we must have telegrapher. I need two persons. (по буквам произносится “Come today. We love you” )


    Под мелодию появляется Дед Мороз.

    Father Frost: Happy New Year! I see you are having a competition. But do you like to sing songs? I invited famous singers for your party and now they are here! Meet them!

    Исполняются песни: “Stumblin’in” “Only you” “Yesterday”

    Father Frost: Wonderful! I hope you can solve my puzzles as well. Take these envelopes. Make words from these letters (слова “snowman” и “holiday”)

    Динара And now we have a special task. I need 2 pupils. Say if it is right or wrong: Frogs can fly; Pigs are green; You have no tail Women like mice; Children like ice-cream.

    Маша And now the task for pupils who know English proverbs well. Translate them and give Russian equivalents.

    Custom is a second nature.

    A man can die but once.

    Every dog has its day.

    There is no smoke without fire.

    Don’t count chickens before they are hatched.

    The devil is not so black as he is painted.

    No news is good news.

    East or west – home is best.

    A good beginning makes a good ending.

    Appetite comes with eating.

    First think, then speak.

    Two heads are better than one.

    So many men, so many minds.

    Business before pleasure.

    (Победитель награждается)

    Инкара.And now our guests from Germany will tell us about Christmas.

    (Информация на немецком и на русском. Песни рождественские).

    Teacher. We think you liked our party very much and we wish you

    New things to learn!

    New friends to meet!

    New songs to sing!

    New books to read!

    New things to see!

    New things to hear!

    New things to do

    In this New Year!!!


    Рухани жаңғыру

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